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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

24: 1:00pm - 2:00pm Recap Ep 22

'24' - '1:00PM - 2:00PM' Recap

by Mike Moody, posted May 18th 2010 10:38AM
24(S08E22) Jack Bauer finally came face to face with Charles Logan on last night's insane and compelling episode of '24.' It was a meeting that viewers had been looking forward to for weeks, and it didn't disappoint.

Nothing very shocking happened after Jack got his hands on Logan. The show gave us a bit of a breather after last week's sickening torture scene and instead offered a fun and tense moment with Logan whimpering at the sight of Jack's face and the sound of his voice.

As expected, Logan gave up Novakovich in an instant to save his own skin, but he was smart enough not to give up the top man behind the Russian conspiracy and the murder of Renee Walker, the Russian president himself. You gotta admire Logan's skill for self-preservation here. He sacrificed a pawn to save a king and, of course, saved his own hide and cemented his relationship with another powerful world leader all in one stroke. It almost makes you want to root for the guy.

But Logan's days are numbered. Jack allowed him live this time, but there's no doubt in my mind that he'll double back to take him out before the season is over. Jack knows Logan lied to him, and he knows about the Russian President's involvement with all of this season's nasty business. It's only a matter of time before our hero takes these two dirty elder statesmen down just like he massacred Novakovich and his crew.

This episode was a lot of fun. I'm not sure if this qualifies as "great" TV, but it's certainly exciting, well-crafted and compelling TV with a relentless pace that rarely let up. The crazier '24' gets, the more fun it is to watch. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time wondering what Jack would do next. He's clearly unhinged and is acting against the wishes of the US government and, well, everyone else on the planet. The show has become pretty exhilarating now that Jack has become a very dangerous lone wolf blinded by rage, pain, and an undeniable compulsion to shove sharp objects into people's bellies. The intensity level has been turned up to 11.
Jack Bauer is Batman. No, he's Batman with a more dubious moral compass and an automatic assault rifle. That crazy strike on Logan's motorcade was absolutely gripping, chilling, and absurd all at the same time. Jack looked terrifying covered in that black mask and body armor. It was like Death himself was coming for Charles Logan, and he was prepared to shoot anyone in the kneecaps to get to his mark.

At this point, I'm wondering when and where Jack will stop with the killing. Until he's dead? Until the Russian President has a bullet in his brain? Until he gets his hands around Prez Taylor's neck?

I wouldn't blame Jack if he stopped by the Prez's office to do a little wetwork right before heading to kill the Russian Head of State. Taylor has become the most repulsive character on the show. She's ineffectual and corrupt, and she only has herself to blame for the mess she's in. Sure, Logan gave her the key and maybe even helped nudge her through the door but, as he reminded her in his own slimy way, all of these terrible things have happened on her watch. She made the calls and her reputation and administration will suffer as a result.

OK, maybe it's not that black and white. Logan manipulated the hell out of the Prez, but that doesn't change the fact that she started making all the wrong decisions the minute he showed up. And now she's censoring the press? That's unforgivable.

It's good to see that Chloe hasn't lost all faith in Jack. She still believes he can be saved, and she's serious about exposing the conspiracy. She even bailed out Cole Ortiz to help track Jack down by paying a visit to Michael Madsen.

Cole's assertion that he would take Jack down in the field made me laugh out loud. Cole disposing of Jack seems like such a ridiculous notion, especially after seeing the carnage Jack unleashed on Novakovich and his goons.
Source: TVSquad

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